What audio description users say about audiomo

Immersive promenade performance - Listen to feedback a blind audience member gave after The Nature of Why, the Paraorchestra, in Brighton:

Immersive promenade performance - Listen to feedback from a sighted audio description user after The Nature of Why, the Paraorchestra, in Cornwall:

Theatre AD - Listen to feedback a blind audience member gave after a performance of One Man Two Guvnors, Derby Theatre:

Theatre AD - Listen to what a first-time AD user said:


Dance video - Responses from description creators and users to Artificial Things audio described by Mo

From Describer Café page, Facebook

Steph Kirkland

Here's an example of dance description that I stumbled upon recently that enhanced my experience as a sighted person: 

Amy Amantea

This is a lovely piece! Notice the tone of voice that describer uses right off the bat to help set the scene. This tone of voice changes throughout and as a movement is faster her tone speeds up and vice versa. The use of language is articulate and rich.

And one of my favourite things of all is when costumes are described with a purpose, not simply like a list of grocery items, but phrased so that I get bits and pieces throughout the performance.

Just the way this blind girl likes to listen to dance!

Eileen Barrett 

Amy, I totally concur! Although I am not blind, and have no experience to equal yours, I LOVED how the describer's voice shifted from character to character, investing the dancers' moves with even more colour and personality, kind of like the way a piece of music gives us so much information and mood with the use of different pitch and tone, intensity and speed.

Amy Amantea 

so effective, right?!